Tuesday, 26 May 2009


明年是个未知数,但我可能毕业了。 但今日我仍然有那熟悉的感觉...寂寞感。 明年今日,我希望不再有这种感觉了,这苦涩的感觉,快离我远去吧! 这个寂寞感不是说找到另一半就解决了,这不是单身的寂寞而是针对这世上的一切。 这不是自杀的先兆,而是对人性的失望。 人心计太深,单纯的人几乎绝种了...韩国卢武铉的自杀是个例子。 某人可以在这个时刻人人爱戴,但瞬眼间也可让人人都恨之入骨。 人心难测...谁明白我心中的矛盾? 好和坏,真的是可以被世俗的道德观评价吗? 无论你做了千百件好事,但只要做了一件坏事你就一定是坏人吗? 不是某某教宗的信徒就一定下地狱了吗? 道德是圣人用来约束庸人的道具...我是庸人但我不要被道德约束。 明年今日,我不要做个迂腐的凡夫俗子...

A leaf on the sea

I am a leaf,
that sails aimlessly,
with no purpose in mind.

I am a leaf,
under the mercy of the sea,
for the sea charts my path.

I am a leaf,
still on the look out,
for that other same leaf.

I am a leaf,
a leaf on the sea,
the sea of uncertanties.

I am a leaf,
I am a leaf,
I am a leaf on the sea...


女人都有一个共同的烦恼...如何令只当成普通朋友一般来看待的男性不喜欢自己。 一男一女相处久了通常都会有感情,尤其对男性来说是个难题。 女人一方面来不愿失去这个男性朋友,另一方面也深感不胜其烦。 很多时候,男士们都会把异性的友善当成是鼓励一直到后来才发现原来只能做朋友...

依然是朋友可能是接下来的发展,但事实上各自的心中都有了隔膜或疤痕。 男和女能够只做普通朋友吗? 很多人都说可以...因为对方的确很不吸引你,也许对方已有心上人,或者自己心有所属。 其实,事实上证明是可以的...不然见到每个女性朋友都喜欢那还得了,岂不闹得天翻地覆!


问世间,情为何物? 没有爱情,还有友情嘛...记得了噢!(这句话是我自己说给我自己听的)

Saturday, 16 May 2009

Hamburg, the place I want to live in...

Hamburg, the place where hamburgers live. Yeah, Hamburger is the term used to described the folks living in hamburg. Based in Ohlsdorf for more than a week, I managed to see the good and bad of Hamburg.

The good is of course the frequency of the public transport, the busy night life, and the scenaries. The bad is of course the high cost of living which comes along with living in a metropolis. I really missed staying in a big city where the number of people walking on the street is uncountable and being sardined in the underground train(U-Bahn) is a bliss because it proves that I am not living in a secluded place. How I miss the traffic jams in Kuala Lumpur because that means I have a car to drive! We complain when we possess things that irritates us but start to miss those things when they are not around...such irony!

From Jungfernstieg onwards we have countless shopping outlets and the Alster lake is really a sight to behold. The pubs scattered in the city is also a very big plus point to hamburg. The sound of cars and trains passing by in the morning is really refreshing after years of waking up to birds chirping...Hamburg has reminded me what city life is.

Civilization is again alive in me! All Hail the Reborn of the City Boy!

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Dedicated to mummy with love...

aging too fast, getting smart too late

In dedication to the upcoming mother's and father's day,

To my dearest ma and pa,
The moment I read this article, I can't stop thinking about you two. Both dad and mum have been working for almost 30 odd years just for the sake of the children. Every season's festivals bore witness to their love towards us the children. Be it bad times or good times, the 4 of us always get to wear new clothes and receive hefty sums as angpaus whereas dad and mum are still wearing their old worn out clothes. They are both in their 50's now and age is really catching up on them...

I really hope that when my parents read the following, they will start to show some appreciation to themselves as well. Humans age very fast but smarten up way too late. It is no doubt that every parent loves their children to the extent of sacrifizing their own needs. They have the motto that after retirement its their time to rest, thus wasting their entire youth on work...earning money for their childrens' future. I will be doing that as well, there is absolutely no doubt about it but there is a need to love your ownself as well. When you love yourself, you won't let yourself get sick in the sense that you are unable to care for your children.

Whenever I suggest to my dad that he should take a breather and tour around the world while he is still in fit condition, his reply would be: "papa has got no money to afford that because I have got alot of bills to settle and your brother's tuition fees is due..." I would stop at that point because I understand his burden and his vision of providing us with shelter even without his presence in the future. Another standard reply would be that he has everything in plan after retirement.

We always tend to gamble on the future and sacrifizing the present. The saying that "the past is history, the future is a mystery, today is a gift thus we call it present" is not unheard of but how many really put it in practice? I really wish that daddy and mummy can slow down and enjoy life just a little bit. Time is merciless, so please be smart and treat yourself a wee bit better rather than putting all hopes on the future while neglecting the gift of everyday...the present.

Representing wen hao, wen xin and ling yuan,
With love,
wen soon

P.S. Everyday is our father and mother's day! So dad and mum, get smart!
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