Sunday, 1 June 2008

Forgiving is the greatest art of love

I am not saying I have mastered it...I certainly did took the first step towards mastering it. It is very hard to forgive someone you think that wronged you, which is sometimes not the case. What you see and hear is not necessarily correct, you will always start an argument thinking from your own point of view and eventually being misguided by your gut feelings that you're right. In my case, I have overreacted to something I know its not wrong...well I am man enough to admit my wrongdoings here. Sorry, Yik I hope this issue is closed and put into the backburner. Back to our topic of discussion here, the art of many can stand up and claim that he or she can forgive a person if the person had regretted his wrongdoings and turned over a new leaf? Once a thief, always a thief right? This negative perception will be there for a long time(I don't mean eternity)because that person wronged you before. Why I say forgiving is the greatest art of love? Well I think most will agree that if this world is so forgiving towards wrongdoings then no war will ever happen and couples will not break up as easy as sandcastle built by kids. By forgiving people, peace is some how restored and love will be rekindled everywhere...No, I don't mean rekindled with old flame when you are married with another person. After all this shit talk, I shall today take the first step towards this honourable goal by forgiving all those who had taken me for as in if there are anyone who thinks he or she had taken me for granted...please stand forward...I forgive you...not a hard sentence to say right? At least easier for me than saying I love you.

So we should start forgiving our enemies though as they actually tried hard to make you suffer you kudos to them for making life tough for you as I believe...Life ain't the same without hardships, hardships make your life colourful. On a lighter note, please don't forgive those who asked you to wake up at 6am to find out that the actual gathering time is 7am...Siew Tee you know who I am talking right? Btw it was a classical April Fool's prank...I am still proud that I actually made you wake up at 6am...this is LEGEN-, wait for it, wait for it...-DARY!!!

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