Wednesday, 25 June 2008

【人生】 仇人 與 恩人

很有意思的管理故事:仇人 與 恩人



我當時沒吭聲,照簽了,心想 【君子報仇,十年不晚。】
後來那導播又找我,我還【照樣】 幫他做了幾次。




有一天,一位已經就業的同學對我抱怨他的美國老闆 【吃】 他,
不但給他很少的薪水,而且故意拖延他的綠卡 (美國居留權) 申請。

我當時對他說: 『這麼壞的老闆,不做也罷。但你豈能白幹了這麼久,


他居然一笑: 『不用!我的老闆現在對我刮目相看,又升官,又加薪,

他心裏的不平不見了,他作了 『報復』,只是換了一種方法,






「你可以去砸那大師的招牌了!」 我有一天開他玩笑。
他眼一亮,回問我: 『為什麼?』
又笑笑: 『要不是那人警告我,照我以前的個性,


你有 【此仇不報非君子】 的憤恨嗎?

你要知道,【敵人、仇人】 …
都可以 【激發】 你的【潛能】 ,成為你的【貴人】。

你更要知道,這世間最好的 『報復』 ,就是運用那股不平之氣,
使自己邁向成功,以那成功和 【成功之後的胸懷】 ,

當 『冤冤相報何時了』 的 【雙贏】 ,
能成為 【相逢一笑泯恩仇】 的 【雙贏】。


Tuesday, 24 June 2008


" the arms of an angel
fly away from here
from this dark cold hotel room
and the endlessness that you fear
you are pulled from the wreckage
of your silent reverie
you're in the arms of the angel
may you find some comfort there..." (Westlife, Angel)

in the arms of an angel, you will find your moment of bliss,
in her arms, you will find that moment of solace,
for she is forever your guardian angel,
protecting you from the downfalls of this world,
she can be anyone beside you,
your family, your friend, your lover or even a stranger,
open your heart to your guardian angel,
for she has already opened hers to you....

Monday, 23 June 2008


Someone told me this...a girl pays 1 buck to buy a stuff worth 2 bucks which they don't really need and a guy will however pay 2 bucks for something worth 1 buck which he really needs. Does this difference in shopping concept really boils down to gender? Well it seems so to me...I certainly won't hesitate if I've to pay extra to get what I really want. In a sense you can say guys are really rigid when it comes to shopping. We don't walk for 3 hours in the shopping mall and come out of it empty handed whereas the girls will linger on for another few hours and window shop all they like and yet come out with nothing but pure satisfaction. Well better wish your future wives and girlfriends are like that or else your wallet will bleed non-stop. However not many guys can really tag along for the whole day willingly...yes I'm stressing the word WILLINGLY. I have seen my dad lost interest and sat on the bench while my mum continue her window shopping. So what is so fun in shopping? For a girl this is her forte, she is always the one with an eye for a bargain and gains ultimate satisfaction when her choice of purchase is lower than market value. I guess certain things never gonna change...i.e. most girls do like shopping, and most guys find it hard to tag along.(in this sentence I'm not trying an cheap attempt on stereotyping)

In a nutshell,
He : get the things he wants and willing to pay big bucks for it.
She: bought many things on bargain but then figured out she don't really need it.

Sunday, 22 June 2008

Marie new fav singer

04.Miss Invisible - Marié Digby

Theres a girl
Who sits under the bleachers
Just another day eating alone
And though she smiles
There is something she's hiding
And she cant find a way to relate
She just goes unnoticed
As the crowd passes by
And she'll pretend to be busy
When inside she just wants to cry
She'll say...


Take a little look at the life of Miss Always Invisible
Look a little closer, I really really want you to put yourself in her shoes
Take another look at the face of Miss Always Invisible
Look a little harder and maybe then you will see why she waits for the day
When you'll ask her her name

In the beginning, in the first weeks of class
She did everything to try and fit in
But the others they couldnt seem to get past all the things that mismatched on the surface
And she would close her eyes when they laughed and she fell down the stairs
And the more that they joked
And the more that they screamed
She retreated to where she is now
And she'll sing...


Take a little look at the life of Miss Always Invisible
Look a little harder I really really want you to put yourself in her shoes
Take a little look at the face of Miss Always Invisible
Look a little closer and maybe then you will see why she waits for the day that you will ask her...her name

And one day just the same as the last
Just the days spent in counting the time
Came a boy who sat under the bleachers just a little bit further behind...

Saturday, 21 June 2008

joy and heartbreak in the matter of one minute

Those who experienced it before can vividly recall it as the most heart wrenching feeling ever(the croats can tell you that). One moment you are having the time of your life, basking in the victorious limelight but suddenly disaster struck and everything you had came crashing down in a minute's time. This is akin to being in heaven one moment and in hell the other moment. You can blame this on fate and god's cruelty but I can say that this is what life is about. You have your ups and downs in life. While I am deeply sympathetic to those who have to go through both in a matter of one minute, this is a lesson that has to be learned in life. If life is a ferris wheel so please be humble and down to earth when you reach the top and presevere and keep fighting on at the lowest point. Patience is the key here and sooner or later your turn will come where you will reach the top.

The time of your life might be as short as a minute but inside your heart it is eternal...

never say die...the turkish spirit

The turks have shown us what is it all about in this never say die spirit. Their recent stunning comeback against croatia in EURO 2008 is not the first time for them. In fact it was the third time they had done it. When the odds are heavily stacked against them they didn't buckle under pressure and they choose to fight on until the very last minute. The croatians scored in 119th minute and with the last kick of the match the turks equalised and as I say the rest is history.

In moments of despair we should never give up fighting. This is the never say die attitude that we should admire, learn, and finally apply it. You will never know the turning point is just 1 minute later...

Miracles are hard to come by but the moment you stopped fighting your probability of getting a miracle decreases. Keep fighting on and create your own miracle...the turks have done it...its your turn!!!

Tuesday, 17 June 2008


从前有一棵大树,它很疼这个小孩。小孩经常到来爬树,摘萍果,荡韆鞦。过了很久,这个小孩已经长大成人。有一天他很不开心的来到大树面前对大树说:“大树,我现在很想盖房子” 大树对他说:“行,没问题。你拿我的树干去盖房子吧” 后来,这个小孩已变成老人。有一天这老人又面对不开心的事,于是便找大树聊天。大树问他:“你要些什么?” 他对大树说:“我已经没牙齿吃苹果,也没有力气爬树,我只是很想好好的坐下休息” 最后这棵大树就很开心的把它唯一的树根让这个变成年迈老伯的小孩坐下来休息。这个故事教训我们要学大树一样,不断的奉献并牺牲自己,还是像小孩那样不停的接受而不付出?哪你是大树呢,还是小孩?


Sunday, 15 June 2008 say

Ok, I will spare you guys the definition. Before we start debating the various pros and cons of giving opinions, I have a simple question to ask...Is your opinion based on your own views or after taking into considerations of others? Come on spare me the excuses that it is better to be straight opinions straight out without thinking different points of view only brings 2 possibilities. Firstly being that you might offend people, secondly being worshipped for being straight forward. Opinions that are based on your own point of view are the ones mentioned the fastest compared to those which were given a careful thought. As the saying goes, disaster comes out from the mouth. We are all flawed beings and nobody can claim to be superior than the rest. You might be older and wiser but this doesn't make you more qualified to claim superiority over others. In terms of giving opinions, an older person do have a slight edge over the younger ones as he or she is more experienced. Just more experienced, nothing more. So to sum this up, everyone is entitled to have an opinion but do think properly before giving out your opinion. The new needs friends!

Saturday, 14 June 2008


sorry seems to be...what?

Hey, I'm sorry bla bla bla for whatever reason...this sentence is very commonly used. Is sorry such an important vocabulary to us? We almost say sorry regardless of time and place. I cant recall how many SORRYs I have said. I said sorry when I did not pass up my homework, I said sorry when I scored badly in my exams, I said sorry again when I made somebody upset. Why is sorry so conveniently used? To me sorry is rather worthless ...sorry really don't cure up the mess for god's sake. It is just one small consolation to make yourself feel better. Sorry cant bring back lives lost in wars. A simple sorry cant bring back the ones who are dead and it certainly wont undo what had been done. Why bother to apologize then? Well...many people deem it appropriate to say sorry because it is simple manners that we were all brought up with. A sorry will never cure anything...but a sincere and heartfelt sorry goes a long way to repairing the damage. Saying it with your heart shows others that you are remorseful and you are willing to admit your mistakes. However saying sorry casually will only serve to worsen things...when sorry is used as an excuse to escape is worthless! Is sorry the word you want to hear when someone killed your loved ones or betrayed you emotionally? I bet it will be a big NO...sorry at that moment is the last word the person will ever want to hear. What is sorry then? Who created this word? I deem it worthless...a word which pales in significance with love. People always find it hard to say I love you than I am sorry. Sorry seems to be? Some will say the hardest word to say. I say you only say sorry when you really meant it...don't ever use it too often as its value is rather low to begin with. On the other hand, the person which is wronged must not act all too high and mighty. You might be wronged but what makes you think you are holier than thou? Humans make mistakes but their greatest achievement is forgiving those who wronged them. Forgiveness is afterall the greatest act of love ever known to mankind alongside sharing. Those who forgive is those who understand the word sorry the most.




fate has it his way when things are not meant to be yours, the more you desire, the more pain you have to go through. Letting go of your stubborness is the way to achieve that moment of bliss...I wish I can do that...

Friday, 13 June 2008

What Love means to a 4-8 year old ....

Slow down for three minutes to read this. It is so worth it. Touching words from the mouth of babes.

A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, 'What does love mean?'

The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined See what you think:

'When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore.
So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love.'
Rebecca- age 8

'When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different.
You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.'
Billy - age 4

'Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other.'
Karl - age 5

'Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs.'
Chrissy - age 6

'Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.'
Terri - age 4

'Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK.'
Danny - age 7

'Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more.
My Mommy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss'
Emily - age 8

'Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.'
Bobby - age 7 (Wow!)

'If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate,'
Nikka - age 6
(we need a few million more Nikka's on this planet)

'Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday.'
Noelle - age 7

'Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well.'
Tommy - age 6

'During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling.
He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared anymore.'
Cindy - age 8

'My mommy loves me more than anybody
You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.'
Clare - age 6

'Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.'
Elaine-age 5

'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford.'
Chris - age 7

'Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day.'
Mary Ann - age 4

'I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones.'
Lauren - age 4

'When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you.' (what an image)
Karen - age 7

'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross.'
Mark - age 6

'You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.'
Jessica - age 8

And the final one
The winner was a four year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife.

Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there.

When his Mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said,

'Nothing, I just helped him cry'

Thursday, 12 June 2008


Everybody likes a good laugh and a good joke is one of many ways towards it. There is however a downside to joking too often and at the wrong moment. First of all you don't joke around with a person who are obviously in a foul mood and agitated. You probably don't joke at around 3am and expect the person to accept your sense of humour in a jest. Joking is actually not a very good thing to do, in a sense it makes you look stupid when the joke is lame and rather distastefully done. Another big minus to joker-wannabe is that people won't take him seriously when he meant business. The others will have the perception that this joker was joking yet again. However this is not the biggest issue here. The biggest being that joking too often makes people lose respect for you. For instance, your friend has always been a humourous person for many years and you probably don't know him that well after all this years because he has been joking a lot all this while without actually revealing his trueself. Jokes do make you happy but what do you actually gain after listening it time and again. A person who jokes well might have alot of casual friends due to his infectious jokes that can trigger your laughing nerve. But after all thess jokes, do you take him as a friend who can confide your secrets to? The answer is probably no, why would I share my secrets who can easily joke without shame. He might dismiss his act of exposing my secrets as a joke gone bad. Well everything went wrong you said its a joke huh? The 1 million dollar question here is when not to treat jokes as your excuses for saying something that brings disdain to others. Why is it so convenient to say "I'm just joking" when in fact you actually meant it. I guess everybody understand why...a bad joke can be forgotten after sometime but if u meant it as something serious, the person will be mad at you for a longer time if not forever. After all this minuses, is there any reasons to joke anymore? Of course there is, will you want a friend who is always so serious with you and don't think jokes are funny? Those who can take a joke in a positive manner reflects his or her personality as a person who is forgiving and loving in nature...but still don't jump to conclusions and start joking at the wrong time. Don't push your luck and start running your mouth at the wrong time for even angels have temper. Here is a tip when not to joke...when a person is sleepy, he tends to be agitated no matter how good his manners don't start your charm offence(in this context trying to be funny) at that moment. One more thing, if you want people to respect you do joke less. Respect is not gained by making people laugh until their tears start flowing but rather when you start conserving it for the right timing. When is the right timing? I seriously dunno but mine is after 3am in the morning...=P

Joke, Joke, Joke,
You brought me laughter,
And a bit of pleasure,
But when you do it wrong,
I feel so wronged,
You are afterall nothing but a joke...

PS: cheers its my 1st attempt of being a poet, so spare my rythm...

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Before we criticise, read this...

Anton Ego in Ratatouille said:
In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defence of the new. The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations, the new needs friends. Last night, I experienced something new, an extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source. To say that both the meal and its maker have challenged my preconceptions about fine cooking is a gross understatement. They have rocked me to my core. In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Chef Gusteau's famous motto: Anyone can cook. But I realize, only now do I truly understand what he meant. Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere. It is difficult to imagine more humble origins than those of the genius now cooking at Gusteau's, who is, in this critic's opinion, nothing less than the finest chef in France. I will be returning to Gusteau's soon, hungry for more.

As the cartoon guy said, it is easy to give negative criticism and people like it very much...some will say without criticism there wont be improvements...this is also true but before you decide to criticise next time, think what you are gonna say over again before saying it out...the new needs friends...

PS: Someone should let Simon Cowell read this.


最近看了一套连续剧叫forensic heroes II...剧中有一番话令我有所共鸣。剧中有一位连环杀人犯叫张耀忠,他经历了连番矢去身边最亲爱的人的痛苦。女儿在一场大火中被活活烧死,他把一切责任怪罪在没把他女儿救出来的消防员。那位消防员选择把另一个残障女孩先救了出来,但却没时间救出耀忠的女儿。他怀孕在身的妻子经不起打击后来滥服安眠药自杀死了,一尸两命。这件事令他对人生的观念大大的改变...他变的偏激了。他任为好人是没有好报的...这一念之差另他把那位消防员杀了,除此之外他还杀了两位残障女子。相信大家都会问为什么连两位于他无关的女子都要杀害...这可以从他矢去女儿的那一刻有关...残障女孩获救了,但他女儿因为健全而没被首先救出。这让他对残障人士产生了憎很...是他们害死他女儿,不该留在这世界上。回到另我有共鸣的那句话...人在经历挫折后会有两种现象...1)他会长大,2)他会进入死角,钻牛角尖。一念之差...就是说这一回事。这个现象可以用来形容我...一路以来一直坚定的信念被动摇后,我竟然想放弃我对人对事的方式。我说过好心没有好报只会在电影中常出现,这虽然没错但我却不应该放弃一直以来做事不贪图回报的心态。其他人不欣赏不感激是他们的事,我只对我自己的良心负责任。就算吃再多亏我也不应该放弃我的信念,人人如何笑我傻骂我笨我都不应该放弃!最重要的是,我必须做会我以前的自己...用最真诚的那一面来对待他人,不然这一念之差又会应驗在我的身上了。我要做到第一个选择...长大成人。宁让天下人负我,莫教我负天下人...说到底我也是普通人一个,不能与圣人相提并论,我这么说不是想说我有多伟大,而是想说我应该做会我自己...不要在造假。Being taken for granted is not an excuse to stop being yourself...thinking falsely that others are taking you for granted is not an excuse to overreact and change your believes. I have overreacted yet again and this is where I should learn to improve. When others don't regconize your effort, you must not stop working hard. In the end, you are only responsible to yourself, you don't have to care what others think about you. Be happy with what you are and answer to your own conciousness. Afterall success and failure is only separated by a very thin line, but so does your own thinking. A moment of mistake in your thinking brings regret for life...一念之差

Monday, 9 June 2008

Inside of you

Inside of You - Infant Sorrow

Forgetting Sarah Marshall...

This is an awesome movie...a perfect movie for me in a sense as it has everything I want in a movie: pretty actresses - kristen bell and mila kunis, nice movie soundtrack...inside of you by infant sorrow(russell brand), solid love comedy. Actually it is not exactly a comedy as it involves heartache. For hamsap guys...there is a nice photo of mila kunis in the movie(photoshopped to be exact).

The sypnosis as copied from

When you've got a good job and a world-famous girlfriend, you've got it all, right?!? Forgetting Sarah Marshall is a Coming of Age story told well and acted better. Peter Bretter (played by Jason Segal and also the movies writer) is a man too comfortable, sitting on his couch-world, to grasp that everyone must grow up and in the process, change or people will leave him behind.

Peter writes/performs the musical score to a successful TV drama in which his girlfriend, Sarah Marshall, is the lead actress. Sarah leaves Peter, and thus starts Peters journey with the help of friends, to realize that he didnt really like the life he was living. They help him forget Sarah Marshall to grow and change his life for the better.

Peter's half-brother (Bill Hader as Brian Bretter) is the reflection Peter sees in the mirror and is reluctant to embrace --in a relationship with responsibilities to a partner that goes beyond physical presence. [Interesting to note the evolution of Mr. Segal from his supporting role as Jason in 2007s Knocked Up another coming of age movie for 20-somethings...the movie is filled with internal compare/contrasts to itself and the Actor's other works and real-life asperations. How much is intentional and how much is coincident is left to the viewer, but this is a smartly written adult comedy.]

Kristen Bell as the title's "Sarah Marshall" does well with the material -- her character is mult-dimensional as she is both the villain and the victim. While her character emotionally hurts Peter, she has cause as revealed in a fairly depicted series of flashbacks. [It is interesting to note, Sarah's desire to break out from being a successful TV actress to movies is an interesting simile to Peter's desire to break out from being a successful TV mood musician to aspiration to become a Rock Opera composer and Ms. Bell plays it well from the heart as if she also longs break out of the Veronica Mars role to her first leading actress role.]

But it is not just Peter that Sarah is running from; she has run into the arms of Aldous Snow (Russell Brand), a famous lead singing rock star. Snow almost steals the movie, with his philosophical musings and ability to play the guy you want to hate but wish was my best friend despite stealing my girlfriend role perfectly. In some ways Peter sees Snow as the worldly guy he wishes he was, but Peter realizes that he cannot be like Snow and force the world to take him as he is and be successful, but rather adapt to the world in his own terms to succeed. [Of course there are parallels when Snow plays to the crowd and to his girl and when Peter plays to another crowd and his girl...the men are more similar on stage than they realize, which may be why Peter likes Snow.] At the critical point, it is Snow's unwillingness to grow that has him to move on and gives the opportunity he thought he sought -- the chance to reunite with Sarah.

However, prior to getting to that point in the story, Peter gets off his real and proverbial couch to meet a series of people whom help him "forget" Sarah. Pride, self-worth and compromise are explored well without bogging down nor being too serious. Central to Peter's growth are Chuck (Paul Rudd) and Rachel Jansen (Mila Kunis). Chuck is the surfing instructor who sees the hurt behind Peters eyes and teaches him to stand on a surf board (another analogy for standing up for himself/getting back up when one is knocked down). While played at times for laughs, there are real life-lessons in what Chuck, Rachel and the other characters offer Peter. Ultimately, Peter stands up and realizes that his affection for Rachel is real and worth the risks to help out a friend. Through them, Peter breaks out and becomes the man he learns he wants to be and achieves the personal satifaction and professional success he seeks.

The movie is rated R for (strong male and some female) nudity, sex scenes, language and alcohol use discussion about drugs. It is not recommended for young children.

Two thumbs up from me...ffs watch it!!! (PS: close your eyes if you see a banana)

Sunday, 8 June 2008

Germany vs tip

Guys and girls, its football time. Tonight's match of the pick is germany vs poland. On paper this may seem an easy walkover for germany. But please bear in mind, poland has hit a purple patch and is in their form of the life. They qualified top of their group in expense of portugal...yup its the same portugal that defeated turkey yesterday. Germany certainly boast an awesome track record in tournaments. They were 3rd in the last world cup...but the only blemish to their fine record was the EURO 2004. Then they crashed out during the group stage, causing rudi voeller to lose his job as bundestrainer. Now with joachim loew they are close to being their best again. So the odds are heavily stacked against poland in my humble opinion. Germany to win 2-1 if everything goes according to plan. With Lehmann in goal, its very hard not to concede, but the presence of klose and gomez can certainly offset any potential leakage by outscoring their opponents. So guys, time to flash ur cash if you're betting...its a roller coaster ride tonight with germany emerging as victor. Deutschland! Deutschland!

PS: on a more selfish tone, I would prefer germany to lose. If they do win, I would lose my blissful sleep!!!

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Confession of a minor

I had long been suffering in the shadow for too long. This shadow has been cast over me since I lost my competitive edge at 16. After 16, I was totally a shadow of my past. In the past I'm competitive and I always strive to be the best academically. Many will ask how I lost it and why I desert it...there is no clear answer to that but I can tell everyone I am just sick of always being judged by the book cover(stereotyped). Just because I am a son of a math teacher doesn't mean I must be a math genius. The effort I put in in order to get 100 marks in math is cruelly dismissed. There are some who even dare to talk behind me that my mum leaked the questions to me beforehand. There was once I got 44 marks for add maths and the same group now chided me for shaming my mum's name. The constant scrutiny I get for being in the same school where my mum work as a teacher is too much for me to bear. Every single mistake I do will be amplified and reported to my mum immediately. I am expected from the start to be holier than thou and smart. Who the hell said that a teacher's son must be smart? Whose fucking idea is that? In my school alot of people dare not approach me for the fear of incurring my mum's wrath...she was once a discipline teacher...sigh. Guess thats how and why I lost my competitive streak, people simply don't acknowledge the effort I put in. Another incident worth mentioning is I was basically awarded the post of president in a club because everyone is afraid to go against my mum again. At present, I don't want to point fingers at anyone because it is over and totally behind me. I'm cool with constantly living behind people's shadow because I actually hated the limelight and my so called "special status" in my school. Today I am standing up for those who have suffered silently like me, those being taken for granted for keeping quiet everytime. All these years I've grown used to being taken for granted as my opinion seldom count. Why am I saying so? After several academic setbacks in my college life, I have lost confidence in my ability. In this ruthless world, people will look to the smart ones for advice, I'm not smitten about it...hey! everybody likes a winner doesn't it? How things changed huh? I have imagined a better life leaving my mum's shadow in the college but it seems otherwise. I am surrounded by a bunch of hugely motivated and intelligent smart asses who are waiting for their turn to rule the world. I guess being the worst among the best is not too bad but the constant stereotyping that this guy wont get anything right and will lead us to nowhere has seriously hurt me. Being constantly outshone and outsmarted did no good to my confidence levels. The only virtue I have according to some which is me being a nice guy has gone against me time and again. The good will alwalys defeat the bad only occurs in the movies at a higher frequency. Being nice and sincere to others has certainly brought me a few good friends but mostly take it as a pinch of salt. Well, guess its life don't expect so much in return after giving so much. So the nice guy queitly trudge along with a fake smile that not many even notice. The fake mask he dons everyday to class has hidden his true inner feelings with admirable results. He still even have the nerve to make fun of others eventhough he knows how they are feeling. I am not asking everybody to suddenly sit up and take notice of me because as alwalys I hate hogging the limelight. In times of arguments I seldom put my point across because I know nobody take me seriously because I don't look like one. The argument will end with me admitting defeat in 80% of the cases as my principle that time is not to make enemy with anyone else. I am always portrayed as the guy who don't give a fuck with what's happening. No doubt that I am like that because I'm sick of being constantly taken for granted. Why bother to ask me when you know what you are going to do? A good case of fearing the fierce ones and bullying the gentle ones is when I'm being asked to show directions...which I admit I know nuts about it. Just after a few wrong turns people start getting on my back. Is it because I am always so mild mannered and laughing so fucking fake that you guys think I am easy to pick on. If you are so fucking good, please fucking show the fucking way. I know I am getting out of control here...I don't intend to start a name-calling circus here. I'm just stating my point that just because I don't show my anger when I'm pissed doesn't mean that I'm alright with it. I may laugh and shrug it off as nothing when asked about it but don't ever assume I'm all cool about it. People say I have super good temper and in fact not even one has seen me losing my temper once. Well the saying that the silent tiger is the deadliest is don't even try to push me towards that. All hell will break loose if that happens. Being nice to others is my nature, I can't change it no matter how much I tried. A nice guy will not survive this ruthless world if others don't appreciate him and he doesn't know how to protect himself. I would say I won't purposely be a bad guy overnight but if things keep turning against me, this world will lose one very soon. One more thing which is proven true in 99% of the cases...girls do like bad boys...loathe it or not...the nice guys will find this hard to swallow. Don't worry...there is still 1% left...there is always hope right? Fucking hell, gimme a break! If hope remains a hope, what should you do? Ask yourself don't ask hope has failed me since 16. If the punishment for being ruthless and heartless is going to be it! A heartless person wont have a heart to feel the pain of heartache and best of all he gains happiness by causing pain to others. I am sick of putting this smiling mask everyday and smile eventhough I am not happy.

welcome to the darker side of me...

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

What goes down when everything goes up?

First of all, this question was posted by hui wenn, the cute little godsister of mine. The latest increase in fuel price by 78 cents had awaken quite a demon...public fury. My dad was seen with a strained eyebrow when I chatted with him on the webcam. He was there lecturing me all the consequences of fuel price hike such as how it used to cost 5 cents for a bowl of mee during his school boy days. Well, I guess certain things that had gone up wont come back down again(except of course your savings!!!)...fuel price, electricity bill, toll, our favourite roti canai, nasi lemak and teh tarik will cost us alot more from now onwards. I can start to see a M-shaped society. At both ends of the 'M' are the hardcore poor ones on the left and the filthy rich ones at the other end. The middle class are gradually slipping into oblivion. A person who earns 3000 bucks in KL with a family of 4 barely making ends meet says it all about the situation. In germany an average worker earns about 2000 euros a month which is roughly 10000 bucks in Malaysian ringgit and can afford to own a reasonable VW car. For your information, a BMW 3 series only cost about 10K euros. The petrol price is about 1.50 to 2 euros per litre but life seems to go on well here. Germany is a oil importing country but they seem to manage inflation so well. What is wrong with Malaysia then? Who should we blame then? Is this the goverment's fault for mismanagement of petroleum money or the over reliance of the people on fuel subsidy? Before we start blaming people, lets take a look at ourselves first. Every household now owns at least a car if not more than 2. The cars they own to be honest is not fully utilised as they should. The dad drives to work with a car. Mum drives another and in some families the son drives another to college. Each car is driven by a single person and the car can fit 5 person. The norm now is to drive a car eventhough the shop is only few minutes walk away. We all know where the problems lie...the question is can we change it? Don't complain about fuel price when you are responsible to it!!!


助人为快乐之本, 何乐而不为。

每个人心中都有一道乐之路,带着他走过熣灿人生。这个乐之路因人而异,有者长,有者短。在乐之路中,我们会回忆起美好的往事。我的乐之路虽然还没走到人生尽头,但已经有非笔墨能形容的回忆了。小时候的点点滴滴虽然有些含糊,但我还记得我生平中的第一个生日蛋糕和陪我长大的木马。跟弟弟大打出手,被父母处罚虽然不是一件值得光荣的事,但却象征了我们兄弟间的情谊。后来妹妹的出世添加了童年的乐趣,我这位大哥哥虽然不是世界第一流,但却是弟妹们心目中的偶象...虽然我还是爱欺负他们。父母更不必说了,我这条乐之路是他们呕心沥血开拓给我的。12岁那年UPSR也是一个高峰,离开童年迈向少年的步伐没人比我走的更容易。虽说小学朋友不多,但毕竟曾经一起闯过祸。被老师体罚虽然不好受,但看着身边一样屁股开花的朋友,我从心底里笑了出来。不是五十步笑百步,而是开心有这位好朋友。我们矢散多年了,但我不会忘记跟他共"患难"的时刻。中学时期,少年所带来的烦恼并没有令我叛逆。加入合唱团是我一生中做的最对的决定,嬴得全国冠军只是icing of the cake. 最重要是一班拥有天使般的桑子的朋友, 陪我度过了青春。National Service 是我第一次遇到她的时候...虽然注定无缘,但是我不为矢去而伤心,而为曾经拥有而高兴。转眼间,22岁了...一事无成,哈哈!在德国的日子虽然多数独自度过,但孤单中令我想起了我还没走完的乐之路。乐之路,我一定要把你走完!!!


"Change we can believe in"...the "obama-mania" had certainly caught up with me. The word change never fails to inspire people eventhough it is actually a double edged sword to begin with. A change can be towards a better future or otherwise. We generally fear changes as we are so used to our comfort zone no matter how bad our present situation is. Our inability to foresee our own future makes us shunt changes as we are afraid of leaving ourselves vulnerable to the unpredictabilities of life. No matter how reluctant we are, we must constantly change ourselves in order to adapt. If we are too stubborn to even change our underwear, the consequences are far more serious than a mere viral infection around your groin. A lot of people will question, why change when things are going great? In a sense its true you don't fix a thing if it ain't broke. The point here is not to change for the sake of changing, it is the type like what obama said...change we can believe in. We must not shut the door to the merest wind of change without even giving this wind the chance to blow away the bad things in life. Does it mean you have to change your belief whenever you encounter bad moments? The answer is yes and no...yes to accepting new ideas and no to indecisiveness. This may sound contradicting but it is actually asking us to be flexible in handling difficulties. Accept new ideas and change when your old ways keep leading you to dead ends, stand your ground if you believe you are correct.

Change we can believe in,
Change we can hope for,
Change we can trust in,
Change we can die for,
Change when change is not worth to believe in.

Obama inspired post.

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

笑一笑:小学造句 (I find this lame...)

* abit lame
** lame
*** super lame

1.题目: 原来 (**)

小朋友写: 原来他是我爸爸。
老师评语: 妈妈关切一下

2.题目: ..一边...........一边.............. (**)

小朋友写: 他一边脱衣服 ,一边穿裤子.
老师评语: 他到底要脱还是要穿啊~~

3.题目: 其中 (***)
小朋友写: 我的其中一只左脚受伤了。
老师评语: 你是蜈蚣?~~

4.题目: 一... 就.... (***)
小朋友写: 一只娃娃就要一百块。
老师评语: 老师笑到不行..

5.題目: 你看 (*)
小朋友写: 你看什么看! 没看过啊

6. 照样造句 (***)
例题: 你 (唱歌) 我(跳舞)
小朋友写: 你(好吗 ) 我(很好)
老师评语: 你在写英文翻译吗??

7.照样造句 (***)
例题: 别人都夸我( ),其实我( )
小朋友写: 别人都夸我( 很帅 ),其实我( 是戴面
老师评语: 什么面具这么好用???

8.题目: 好... 又好.. (**)
小朋友写: 妈妈的腿,好细又好粗...
老师评语: 那到底是细还是粗?

9.题目: 陆陆续续 (**)
小朋友写: 下班了,爸爸陆陆续续的回来。
老师评语: 你到底有几个爸爸呀?

10.题目: 皮开肉绽 (**)
小朋友写: 停电的夜晚,到处很黑,我吓得皮开肉
老师评语: 看到这句... 老师佩服你。

11.题目: 欣欣向荣-比喻生长美好的样子。(***)
小朋友写: 我的弟弟长得欣欣向荣。
老师评语: 孩子,你弟弟是植物人吗...
小朋友写: 欣欣向荣荣告白。(*)
老师评语: 连续剧不要看太多~~

12. 题目: 谢谢....因为...... (*)
小朋友写: 我要谢谢妈妈,因为她每天都帮我写作
老师评语: 原来你的作业是妈妈写的!!!!!!!

13.题目: 难过 (the best!)
小朋友写: 我家门前有条水沟很难过。
老师评语: 老师更难过......

14. 题目: 天才 (2nd best)
小朋友写: 我3天才洗一次澡。
老师评语: 要每天洗才干净~~

15.題目: 一… 便…
小朋友写: 我一走出门,对面就是便利商店。(**)
小朋友写: 哥哥一吃完饭,就大便。(*)
老师评语: 造句不要乱造...

16.題目: 又.....又..... (**)
小朋友寫: 我的妈妈又矮又高又瘦又肥。

17果然 (***)

18 瓜分 (*)

19 好吃 (3rd best)

Woman as explained by engineers

Part 1
1. To find a woman you need time and money.
Therefore Woman = Time x Money
2. "Time is money" so Time = Money
3. Therefore Woman = Money x Money = (Money)²
4. "Money is the root of all problems"
Woman = √{(Problems)²}
5. Therefore Woman = Problems

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Monday, 2 June 2008

You're my angel by Loretta Chow

You Are My Angel - Loretta Chow

Once upon a time
Archangel in the sky
Made a cover every night

Once upon a time
The angel loved me so
It'a miracle
In the snow, my heart won't be cold

My Dear
You are my angel
Tell me what you know
Something should be told

My Dear
You are my angel
Tell me where you go
I will prance behind your flow

Once upon a time
My angel gave me life

source from

Sunday, 1 June 2008


我跌跌撞撞的回到家..拨他的手机:您的电话已经为您转到语音信箱,请在嘟一声...。我挂了电话,打到他家,响了好久都没有人接,怎么会?全家移民吗?他仿佛是从这世界上消失了一样,没有一点痕迹。   他该不会另结新欢了吧?我开始胡思乱想,我找不到他..,正当我烦恼的时候,电话突然响了,是阿立打来的,他是梦伟的死党也是我的好友。   
第一百次对不起,老婆,我不是狠心要丢下你,只是上帝似乎不给我这个机会让我爱你一辈子,为你带上戒指,你是我第一个让我说对不起的女孩,也是我第一个想共度一生的女孩,原谅我不能给你幸福,我会化作天使,守护着你,看着你得到幸福,答应我,别哭,我不要看到你为了我憔悴流泪的样子,我爱你。bye 梦伟   
我抱着他的照片,泪流不止!! 愿天下所的情人.愿你们能珍惜眼前的人,不要失去后才懂得珍惜...不要让悲剧再次上演!

this is another forwarded email...feel like sharing it =)

Shu Wen's spendid poem

love is no soap opera
but it's certainly like a tv drama
always full of melodrama
makes you crawl back to your mama

love is bitter sweet
like a box of chocolate
it often makes u weep
like a helpless dumb bastard

love makes you frown
it never fails to bring you down
it makes you wanna drown
sometimes you rather be a clown

love makes you wonder
love makes you ponder
it often makes you a drifter
till u hit a boulder

love can be cruel
love can be kind
but most importantly
love is, love is nothing but mankind

this is one splendid piece of doubt sickening truthful...but I applaud this moment of brilliance from Shu Wen. You have earned my deepest respect...

Definition of banana

A banana is not only a is also used to describe a person who don't understand mandarin and chinese dialects well. There are 3 types of bananas. A semi banana can speak, listen and read to a certain extent, as in when you scold them with foul words using dialect they get angry immediately. A full banana is those where you are literally talking to an "ang mo" from overseas. No offence here but when sometimes you use bad words on them with a polite tone and smile, they will think that you are greeting them and they will smile back. However, please don't ever underestimate their level of intelligence...there was once an incident where 2 indonesians were making fun of a german inside the bas. They said the german sitting opposite them looks like a monkey due to his bushy appearance. They talked and laughed so loud, totally ignoring the fact that the german was listening attentively without actually reacting. In the end, on his way out, the polite german said something back to them..."Monyet pun bisa cakap bahasa indonesia" Once again this is LEGEN...wait for it...wait for it...DARY! Bananas(the fruit or otherwise?)are actually good for digestion, you see them you will feel like going to toilet and start shitting...just banter...don't be offended.

On the other hand, a non banana or the so called cina-kia who don't use english as often as bananas is however prone to making such mistake as below...
Caller : Hello, can I speak to Annie Wan? (anyone)
Operator : Yes, you can speak to me.
Caller: No, I want to speak to Annie Wan!
Operator: You are talking to someone! Who is this?
Caller: I'm Sam Wan (someone) and I need to talk to Annie Wan! It's urgent.
Operator: I know you are someone and you want to talk to anyone! But what's
this urgent matter about?
Caller: Well... just tell my sister Annie Wan that our brother Noel Wan (no one) was
involved in an accident. Noel Wan got injured and now Noel Wan is being
sent to the hospital. Right now, Avery Wan is on his way to the hospital.
Operator: Look if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital, then
the accident isn't an urgent matter! You may find this hilarious but I don't
have time for this!
Caller: You are so rude! Who are you?
Operator: I'm Saw Lee. (sorry)
Caller: Yes! You should be sorry. Now give me your name!!
So guys and girls...A banana should not be ashamed of his or her banananess...but a non banana should brush up his or her listening skills to avoid such mistakes again.


亲爱的妈咪,祝你身体健康,笑口常开。当然您给我多些零用钱我就会龙马精神,如意吉祥,大吉大利,恭喜发财,没完没了地念下去。这个不是重点,你不给我零用钱我还饿不坏。重点是我只又你这位妈妈,没有你的细心栽培就没有今天的我。对我来说,天天都是母亲节。妈咪是我心目中的miss universe,美貌与智慧并重。以后找另一半,当然是以你为水准指标。好啦,废话说完了。妈咪万岁!!! 没有妈咪的日子比没有常在心的日子还难过,为什么呢?没有人煮菜给你吃 没有人骂你,没有人扭你的耳朵。有点不自在...但骂得多我又不爽,怎么办?



我不应该在这么写下去了,就算我真的写到没有常在心的第一千零一天,一些事实还是不会改变的。不瞒你们,我作天非常高兴,因为我终于又见到她的笑容。我很高兴她终于肯笑了,或许我这么说有点白痴,但是这一笑,多多少少医好了我的心病。我不会在想太多了,一些不属于你的就别再勉强。宽恕和谅解是我这一次最大的受获。值得一提的是,有人还会珍惜我的真诚。 朋友送来的关怀,无论多微不足道,都已经深深地感动了我。从来没有人这么赞过我,我也不知道如何回应才对。有人说我感性,而且内心非常细腻。我听了不禁发抖,为什么呢?我不想这样的评语...太难为情了吧!你们不如说我perasan吧!!! 一向我都给人一种乖乖仔的形象,太不公平了吧!我不想做乖仔,我宁愿做人们心目中的废才,那些平时得罪人多,称呼人少的那一类。举例子就有两个,nick和choon wei。不是说他们是废才,而是他们说的话有时很废,引人暴笑。他们俩也有认真和真诚的那一面,不是很容易被人看到。我真的很荣欣认识他们,没有他们的废话,生活太枯燥了吧!听他们一句废话,快乐似神仙。说实话做乖仔也有好处,如果做错的是我,但choon wei或yik lun在我身边。没有人会先怀疑我,我还可以利用我好好先生的形象来洗脱嫌疑。妙哉!妙哉!最经典的是一些人(例如siew lee)还信我设的圈套为真,令我有少许内疚。但看到他们出丑后的样子,挨几下皮肉之苦也无所谓了。现在这样唱衰我自己,形象一定大打折扣。以后我喊狼来了,没有人会救我了。没关系,我玩得起就当然要担当的起。担当不起的话,快快找替死鬼。

Priceless moments

Rank number 1. Getting a sex toy from me, jon, michelle and jia hui as birthday present. Happy horny 22nd birthday, Enoch...cheers its just banter. I still wont forget the moment you unfold your toy...priceless...

Rank number 2. Listening an old joke about Phua Chu Kang lecturing his nephew Alloycius (haha I don't know how to spell his name)about the birds and bees. Here goes...
Ah Boy: Uncle Chu Kang, why girls enjoy sex more than boys?
PCK: Its like digging your nose with your finger. You think your finger syok or your nose more syok?
Ah Boy: Then why guys hate to use condom while having sex?
PCK: Aiya, you like to wear a glove to dig your nose or not?
Ah Boy: Why girls don't have sex during their period?
PCK: Aiyo, when your nose bleeding you still want to dig it meh? Use ur blain!
Ah Boy: Why girls don't like to be raped?
PCK: When somebody on the street suddenly come stick a finger into your nose, you like it boh? Use your blain! Use your blain!
This is ranked number 2 because the 5 of us were laughing non-stop while walking back home at night and the whole street is only our laughter. Priceless again...

Rank number 3. Watching the girl you like smiling in front of you again after some tough shit that happened between you and her...priceless...

Rank number 4. Telling siew lee, michelle and some gullible people that it brings bad luck when your palm is bigger than your face. When they do actually believe it and put their palm near their face...smack!!! priceless again...

Rank number 5. Giving jin xuan, siew lee and co. a suitable english name. Dugong Ng, Bobo Chuah, Mango Loh, Mi Loh(milo) and many more deserves a mention. Seeing Durian Lew react when her name is called...priceless...

Rank number 6. Seeing the author get bashed for naming all these priceless moments above(if it ever happens)...I think it will rank number 1 in the popular vote.

Guys and gals, thats all for today...stay tuned for this master card sponsored event...more to come. The author getting an eyebag for writing this at 6am in the morning without sleeping the night before...priceless?

Forgiving is the greatest art of love

I am not saying I have mastered it...I certainly did took the first step towards mastering it. It is very hard to forgive someone you think that wronged you, which is sometimes not the case. What you see and hear is not necessarily correct, you will always start an argument thinking from your own point of view and eventually being misguided by your gut feelings that you're right. In my case, I have overreacted to something I know its not wrong...well I am man enough to admit my wrongdoings here. Sorry, Yik I hope this issue is closed and put into the backburner. Back to our topic of discussion here, the art of many can stand up and claim that he or she can forgive a person if the person had regretted his wrongdoings and turned over a new leaf? Once a thief, always a thief right? This negative perception will be there for a long time(I don't mean eternity)because that person wronged you before. Why I say forgiving is the greatest art of love? Well I think most will agree that if this world is so forgiving towards wrongdoings then no war will ever happen and couples will not break up as easy as sandcastle built by kids. By forgiving people, peace is some how restored and love will be rekindled everywhere...No, I don't mean rekindled with old flame when you are married with another person. After all this shit talk, I shall today take the first step towards this honourable goal by forgiving all those who had taken me for as in if there are anyone who thinks he or she had taken me for granted...please stand forward...I forgive you...not a hard sentence to say right? At least easier for me than saying I love you.

So we should start forgiving our enemies though as they actually tried hard to make you suffer you kudos to them for making life tough for you as I believe...Life ain't the same without hardships, hardships make your life colourful. On a lighter note, please don't forgive those who asked you to wake up at 6am to find out that the actual gathering time is 7am...Siew Tee you know who I am talking right? Btw it was a classical April Fool's prank...I am still proud that I actually made you wake up at 6am...this is LEGEN-, wait for it, wait for it...-DARY!!!
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