Thursday, 15 October 2009

My 3 cents worth of opinion on fashion

Not a very great dresser myself and also not a person blessed with the good looks and body to simply wear anything and still be dashing and charming. The only thing I can do is maybe dress up as a commoner and try to blend into the society. So for a average bloke like me, I am opting for the London look - trench coat, skinny jeans, leather boots. With all these on, I am not outstanding but rather normal and blended into the londoners style. Some said I copied choon wei's style but in fashion terms-copying means the style is widely accepted. Of course nobody is indentical and we have our own preferences in colours and cuttings. I am no fashion guru wannabe but I always only wanted to present my most perfect self to others. Since I do not fare well in the handsomeness department, might as well compensate with the personality and clothing department. Whatever I might say, personality still counts. A confident and optimistic person will always have double the attractiveness compared to the rest. Jon has and had it. I am still working on it. Everybody says I'm a nice bloke. The truth is I do not like the nice guy tag. A nice guy is good as friend but not the 1st you have in mind as lovers. Fact!

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