Friday, 27 November 2009

I am nobody, but I am entitled to an opinion

There is a common rule in determining whether you are a likable person or not which is rather simple. When you notice people around you suddenly avoiding you and being rather cold towards you, the signs are there that you have done something wrong which irked the people around you. Of course there is always the possibility that people are jealous of your whatsoever success and therefore went all the way out to boycott you. Such malice should not be tolerated by any means. At the same time, we should always review our ownself before pointing the blame at others. It is always easy and sometimes pleasurable to criticize or poke fun at others but when the roles are reversed how do you feel? Everybody should be held responsible in this situation where both parties are liable to any potential damages caused.

As wrong as you are in criticizing a particular person, it is even more wrong to overreact with violence under provocation. I have a notoriously bad reputation in poking fun at others and I certainly have received my fair share of rebukes. Some call it karma, some said you got it coming! Fair and square, so it seems...Living in this society, you cannot go out and say something hurtful to others and expect the other party to accept it as a joke. That is still not the worse it seems. The most annoying aspect is that many people refuse to pratice the give and take concept. I am sure I am guilty as well but I have always restrained myself not to beg for favours so cheaply. There IS a difference in asking for a helping hand and insisting others to help you. Are you entitled to be angry if others refused you? Who are you? Are you some God or some mighty emperor that other people must entertain your request and demands? I have to learn to say NO but at the same time must accept it graciously when people said NO to me as well.

I am not perfect and will never ever be but I have learned to talk as I see it because even the imperfect and insigficant ones have a right to express their opinions. I am a pot calling the kettle black because the kettle refuse to believe that it is black as well! Do you see the point?

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