Wednesday, 11 June 2008


最近看了一套连续剧叫forensic heroes II...剧中有一番话令我有所共鸣。剧中有一位连环杀人犯叫张耀忠,他经历了连番矢去身边最亲爱的人的痛苦。女儿在一场大火中被活活烧死,他把一切责任怪罪在没把他女儿救出来的消防员。那位消防员选择把另一个残障女孩先救了出来,但却没时间救出耀忠的女儿。他怀孕在身的妻子经不起打击后来滥服安眠药自杀死了,一尸两命。这件事令他对人生的观念大大的改变...他变的偏激了。他任为好人是没有好报的...这一念之差另他把那位消防员杀了,除此之外他还杀了两位残障女子。相信大家都会问为什么连两位于他无关的女子都要杀害...这可以从他矢去女儿的那一刻有关...残障女孩获救了,但他女儿因为健全而没被首先救出。这让他对残障人士产生了憎很...是他们害死他女儿,不该留在这世界上。回到另我有共鸣的那句话...人在经历挫折后会有两种现象...1)他会长大,2)他会进入死角,钻牛角尖。一念之差...就是说这一回事。这个现象可以用来形容我...一路以来一直坚定的信念被动摇后,我竟然想放弃我对人对事的方式。我说过好心没有好报只会在电影中常出现,这虽然没错但我却不应该放弃一直以来做事不贪图回报的心态。其他人不欣赏不感激是他们的事,我只对我自己的良心负责任。就算吃再多亏我也不应该放弃我的信念,人人如何笑我傻骂我笨我都不应该放弃!最重要的是,我必须做会我以前的自己...用最真诚的那一面来对待他人,不然这一念之差又会应驗在我的身上了。我要做到第一个选择...长大成人。宁让天下人负我,莫教我负天下人...说到底我也是普通人一个,不能与圣人相提并论,我这么说不是想说我有多伟大,而是想说我应该做会我自己...不要在造假。Being taken for granted is not an excuse to stop being yourself...thinking falsely that others are taking you for granted is not an excuse to overreact and change your believes. I have overreacted yet again and this is where I should learn to improve. When others don't regconize your effort, you must not stop working hard. In the end, you are only responsible to yourself, you don't have to care what others think about you. Be happy with what you are and answer to your own conciousness. Afterall success and failure is only separated by a very thin line, but so does your own thinking. A moment of mistake in your thinking brings regret for life...一念之差

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow..i really like ur blogs..keep going..
ur thinking really makes me feel that the world still has a small group of good person..and it encourages people to think positive, to believe hope and opportunity are always there, and be optimistic..
thank you..hope u r doing good..

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