Thursday, 31 July 2008

Food tasted thus far

Wan tan noodle, mee goreng, teh tarik, roti telur, meatball noodle, chicken rice, ice kacang, cendol, indian rojak, durian, rambutan, papaya...and and and...aiks I can't remember as well.

next up on the list, nasi lemak, bak kut teh, satey, dim sum, prawn mee, asam laksa, bla bla bla...oh well...I might as well give up my weight loss programme.

On a more serious note...things are getting pricey now due to the fuel surcharge. Roti canai now 1 buck per piece, economy rice min 4 bucks, soft drinks 2 euros ain't that super anymore cause exchange rate is currently at 5 something. My hand actually froze when I saw the price tag on a T-shirt in Topshop...guess what its only RM 90...less than 20 euros if you convert it. I guess I gotta break that number barrier again before I go on a spree again.

One last thing, for moviegoers...THE DARK KNIGHT ROCKS!!!

Saturday, 26 July 2008


I am back at case nobody know yet...hehe

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

art of cowardice

I regret deeply for being a coward today...I didn't have the courage to sit for my paper today and went to get a MC instead. MCs are for people who are really ill and unable to work but here I am the ultimate coward who abused MC to avoid sitting my paper. So, my final act of cowardice...finding another excuse for it...
I am a fighter,
not a whiner,
but I've to fight my battle later,
and now I feel better.

PS: Damn it! My poetic talent had just become better!

the true strength of mankind

The true strength of mankind lies in their ability to bounce back after suffering dissappointments in life. You're great when you are on top but greater when you can get back on top after falling down from it. Shit happens in life but there is no reason to stop trying just because you failed once, twice, thrice and so on.(ok in some instances you don't have the luxury of unlimited chances) The loser will one day get his victory...

Friday, 11 July 2008



夏天,除了是各式各类的花草树木开花结果的季节,也是女士们最迷人的时刻。 虽说是天气太热所致,但也促成了女性穿上小背心,迷你裙类似的服装。 如果硬要我以笔墨来形容的话,我会选择用蝴蝶的蜕变来形容。 冬天她们是蝉,把自己全身包扎。(当然有宁愿冻死也不穿毛衣的那些) 到了夏天,她们就蜕变成了美丽的蝴蝶。 除此之外,冬天的冷酷也一扫而空,换来的是那迷人的笑容, 令男士们的心都通通融掉。为什么说她们发姣呢? 原因是男士们也穿上了一系列的短裤和紧身T-shirt...当然也要具备足够的分量----俊俏的脸孔和胸肌。

PS:身材没有那么标志的请别露太多,会另99%肤浅的男士们眼痛。 (我是那1%还是那99%呢?)

Wednesday, 9 July 2008


An apple a day, keeps the doctor away. A bad apple however, cast a bad light on other apples. The poisoned apple used by the queen mother on snow white doesn't mean all apples are poisoned. Americans are generally a good bunch but thanks to a certain mr. bush everybody loves to hate them as a whole. The verdict is out on osama bin laden and saddam hussein but the damage is done. The whole world are generally still graped by the whole islamic extremism thingy. Because of tibet, many had threatened to boycott the olympics. China has its fair share of human right issues but due to the work of certain group of bad apples, the hard work and effort athletes put in for this once in four years event are sacrificed on so called 'morality' grounds. A bad apple did all the dirty work but other apples suffer on behalf of this bad apple. We dont want to be the harrods and kumars for god's sake! If so happened you ate a bad apple, be happy as you can take revenge by purging it out furiously during your toilet war...

george town and malacca town

Both cities have been listed as the latest world heritage sites. Many will question the above mentioned selections as both george town and malacca town are not exactly a great city to begin with. What they lack in architectural brilliance is however fully compensated by the cultural heritage left behind by various settlers. The rich racial composition in both towns are the key here. Both are places where various races had lived together harmoniously for centuries. In Malacca town for example, a hindu temple is built next to a mosque and further down the road you will see a buddhist temple. The St. Paul church is also situated on top of the hilltop and the well built by admiral Zheng He is directly at the foot of the hill. Another example is the location of the muslim cemetary ground in between old chinese shop lots.

All this are classic examples of racial harmony and mutual respect we have for each other. Time had proven that we can co-exist! This highly commendable racial tolerance had been here for ages to begin with. During the portuguese rule, no one was forced to convert to christianity and other religions are allowed to flourish. The same applies during the dutch and english rule. What went wrong today? Many are now arguing that places of worship shouldn't be built too near to each other for fear of confrontation. Temples and churches are demolished without taking into account the sensitivity it may cause. Why are we constantly reminded of our differences instead of our common traits?

Education had failed miserably here, the government may blame it squarely on chinese and tamil vernacular schools but what about MARA and UiTM where the percentage of non-bumis are at best limited. Why this double standard? If you want racial integration why there are two systems in Matrikulation and STPM? Why stress on our difference when we are actually common in many things? However this should not take the shine away from penangites and malaccans, congratulations.

PS: when will be KL's turn?

Monday, 7 July 2008

cantonese crash course...lesson 1

Ngo tai zho li goh video, mng zhi yeng goi bei mat yeh fan yeng hou. Tank lok hou chi hou hou xiu dan hai ngo yao siu mng chut. Lei dei wa hou siu mng hou siu lerr? Lei duk yun ngo seh mat yeh zhong hai moong cha cha geh wah, ngo kin yi lei hooi tai yi sang, mng hou hai dou sai dai ga bou guai dik si kan...

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

The sense of identity

When we are in another country, what seperate us from others apart from our distinguishable looks? In fact appearance might not even help much, the europeans and americans cant seperate chinese, japanese, korean and vice versa. Sense of identity is what set us apart. This sense of identity takes up various form be it name, country, race, religion, lifestyle etc...I am Malaysian, you might be a jap, an african, an arabian, an american and bla bla bla. When we gather together what occasion would it be? A FAMILY gathering. Why are there still so many cases of racism and discrimination when we all belong to the same family living under one roof - Earth? It is mainly because we have misintepreted the true meaning of identity. Identity gives us a sense of comfort knowing that we are not nameless and homeless. But there are always those who use this sense of identity to trumpet their respective race or religion as the superior ones. This overwhelming feeling of unnecessary "patriotism" had brought us countless wars and mass killings. Religion is supposed to spread peace and love not fanaticism. There is no way I could agree that if I'm not from this certain religion I will be doomed to be in hell. This sense of identity should not be intepreted this way...we are all part of this world, borned equal, pure minded and free of sins. It is the different upbringing that makes us grew wider apart from others. After all we are all homo sapiens...yo, where is the love?


听完这首歌,令我不知不觉感到自豪。虽然我不是土生土长的中国人,但是我身上流着的正是龙的传人的血。 在此预先祝福北京奥运得以顺利进行。
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