Wednesday, 9 July 2008


An apple a day, keeps the doctor away. A bad apple however, cast a bad light on other apples. The poisoned apple used by the queen mother on snow white doesn't mean all apples are poisoned. Americans are generally a good bunch but thanks to a certain mr. bush everybody loves to hate them as a whole. The verdict is out on osama bin laden and saddam hussein but the damage is done. The whole world are generally still graped by the whole islamic extremism thingy. Because of tibet, many had threatened to boycott the olympics. China has its fair share of human right issues but due to the work of certain group of bad apples, the hard work and effort athletes put in for this once in four years event are sacrificed on so called 'morality' grounds. A bad apple did all the dirty work but other apples suffer on behalf of this bad apple. We dont want to be the harrods and kumars for god's sake! If so happened you ate a bad apple, be happy as you can take revenge by purging it out furiously during your toilet war...

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