Tuesday, 1 July 2008

The sense of identity

When we are in another country, what seperate us from others apart from our distinguishable looks? In fact appearance might not even help much, the europeans and americans cant seperate chinese, japanese, korean and vice versa. Sense of identity is what set us apart. This sense of identity takes up various form be it name, country, race, religion, lifestyle etc...I am Malaysian, you might be a jap, an african, an arabian, an american and bla bla bla. When we gather together what occasion would it be? A FAMILY gathering. Why are there still so many cases of racism and discrimination when we all belong to the same family living under one roof - Earth? It is mainly because we have misintepreted the true meaning of identity. Identity gives us a sense of comfort knowing that we are not nameless and homeless. But there are always those who use this sense of identity to trumpet their respective race or religion as the superior ones. This overwhelming feeling of unnecessary "patriotism" had brought us countless wars and mass killings. Religion is supposed to spread peace and love not fanaticism. There is no way I could agree that if I'm not from this certain religion I will be doomed to be in hell. This sense of identity should not be intepreted this way...we are all part of this world, borned equal, pure minded and free of sins. It is the different upbringing that makes us grew wider apart from others. After all we are all homo sapiens...yo, where is the love?

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