Saturday, 21 November 2009

A glowing tribute

To all my dearest seniors in germany,

It suddenly struck my mind that time is running short and the happy days are indeed coming to an end. In a matter of a month most of them will be done with their studies and probably heading back home one after another. The countless parties, lunches, dinners and movie sessions will probably go on but with even less participants from now onwards.

For there are millions of reasons to seperate there will always only be 1 reason to gather, love. In this context this love of friendship has brought many souls together in a foreign land and made me feel really right at home. I do have many friends of the same age or younger but the feelings of friendship are different with seniors all together. I am being careful not to mention their taboo, the age factor. They are like elder brothers and sisters to me in that sense where I look up to them.

Everyone has their unique virtues that I can learn from, some possess maturity, some with diligence and intelligence in abundance, some with fierce ambition, some with the joyful and graceful demeanour. Most of them do share the common thing though, they have been very successsful role models.

There is time to gather as well as time to part ways although I am pretty sure I will see them again soon. I dedicate this glowing tribute to every single one of you and offer a big thank you for all the priceless moments spent together. The future is bright and it is our time to show them what we can do. Yes we can!

Age is a funny little number thingy, the bigger the number, the better you become. So I will jokingly say good riddance to the 24 year olds and it is time the 23s take over the helm. On a side note, Aachen and Düren are such peaceful places nowadays in their absence...hahaha!

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