Monday 31 August 2009


Malaysia is celebrating its birthday again. For many people it will just be another day off to chill out at home. How many people will really embrace the real spirit of merdeka? If patriotism was based solely on flag waving and singing of national anthem, then many will be labelled as not patriotic, me included. Patriotism to me is way more than that, it is the unconditional and undying love for the country you were born in and grew up in. It is your root and you are willing to shed blood to protect it.

Merdeka signifies the freedom from colonization as well as the freedom of speech which is lacking at the moment in Malaysia. But lets not spoil the day with certain bad practices that are already deeply entrenched in our society. Malaysia with all its flaws is still a beautiful country. Diversity is our strength, not a weakness to be exploited by spineless politicians. We are different but we are all proud Malaysian.

Happy Merdeka from DC. May our motherland be blessed with everlasting peace and a matured democracy.

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